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The South Prefecture is a hub for the rich and famous of Megacity. Known for its elite parties and Casinos as well as its entertainment sector. Prices skyrocket in the South keeping most of the lower income population out, however it still has its unsavory underbelly of crime and corruption. 

Private militaries and police are much more efficient here compared to most of the other prefectures, often seen patrolling the streets and responding to distress calls. 

The Buildings here are less dense, allowing for the sky to peek through, artificial plant life is also extremely popular here, many of the main streets lined with synthetic palm trees or hydrangeas.

The South Prefecture is the closest prefecture to Centrality, from the roofs of its highest buildings you can see the sun shine off of the Centrality city center across the lake on a clear day, People pay top dollar just to catch a glimpse. Fittingly, that's all they will every see, because despite the high status of people living in the South Prefecture, even they know they will never make it to Centrality. 


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