The North Prefecture is home to the factories that keep Novopangea going, and is the industrial sector of the continent.
The huge monolithic factories in the North are spread out, allowing for a lot more natural land between them, as all the living quarters are underground in massive colony style structures. However this natural land has been brutalized by the human population and global warming over the past centuries and is mostly black rocky coasts, and ashy permafrost soil.
Very few children born in the north prefecture ever leave, they are not kept against their will but due to the circumstances most of them end up working in the same factories as their parents and can not afford a better life somewhere else.
Some of the industries found here include the mining industry, artificial meat and plant farms, hydroelectricity, as well as the manufacturers for transport and technology. There are also a few training facilities and outposts for some of the strongest private militaries here, but they are not mapped and are difficult for outsiders to find.